Barclay coming back as sailing director
The officers and Search Committee declared that Charles Barclay is all set to come back to the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club as adult sailing director as well as a high school sailing coach starting the week of 11th April, and carrying on till October, 2016. He would be creditworthy for teaching BHYC on the water adult events including the United States Sailing Keelboat course, individual/group lessons, as well as racing and sailing seminars for their members. He would also work as the club’s pro for few events.
His inclusion as high school sailing coach offers Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club a nationally famous coach in this significant role, a program for local youth that is sponsored, operated and organized by Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club as a community service.
In 2015, Charles was Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club junior program director. Barclay is qualified uniquely to assume both of these obligations, since he is a lifelong racing sailor as well as coach. Very recently, he was head coach of the Mid-Pacific Institute’s sailing squad, with 2 assistant coaches as well as 18 student athletes. He has an US Sailing certificate as an instructor (Level 1 & 2) as well as race coach (Level 3) along with certifications as United States Sailing Club judge as well as race officer.
As an ex bridge officer of Hawaii Yacht Club, he has participated in over hundred meets as well as other sailing events including PHRF and Americap handicap, 1 design dinghy and keelboat, as well as junior events. As a professional, he has worked at national, international, club, regional events.